Project description:

The "Active and independent" project is dedicated to people with intellectual, motor and conjugal disabilities, and their caregivers. Its participants include people from 1 to 67 years of age, having various disabilities such as: spinal cord damage, cerebral-cranial damage, meningeal-spinal hernia, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Asperger syndrome, autism, mental disorders. The aim of the project is to empower people with disabilities as much as possible. A staff of individual specialists and trainers of group activities are working on this process. Personal assistants and independent living assistants play a very important role in the therapy process. The first group consists of people without disabilities who work with project participants in their environment, help them overcome fears, barriers, and acquire new skills in order to be able to function in the best possible way on a daily basis. Independent living assistants are people with mobility impairments who use a wheelchair to move around everyday. These people work very well with people in wheelchairs, especially those who have recently lost their mobility. They are an authority and an encouragement for them. The project is of a comprehensive nature – it assumes that people with disabilities will become independent not only by improving their physical condition, but also by being provided with psychological and emotional assistance. It also recognises the need to work with carers for people with disabilities.

Detailed information:


Fundacja imienia Doktora Piotra Janaszka PODAJ DALEJ


WRPO 2014+


European Social Fund

Total value of the project:

2 077 208,20 PLN

EU's contribution:

1 765 626,97 PLN

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