Project description:

The implementation of the project served to improve energy efficiency, functionality and accessibility of public transport on a supra-local basis. The project is one of the examples of metropolitan cooperation between the Czerwonak Commune and the City of Poznan, Poznan Poviat and the Suchy Las Commune. The facility consists of three suspended spans with a concrete bridge, almost 134 meters long. The footbridge and the entrances are approximately 200 meters long, and the width allows cyclists and pedestrians to travel along the path at the same time. The tower with two viewing platforms at a height of 12 and over 20 meters is an additional attraction, you can admire the views of the Warta River among the treetops from it. Additionally, an InfoKiosk was placed on the premises, displaying passenger information and tourist attractions from the surrounding communes.

The footbridge in Owińska became an extension of the Warta River Bicycle Trail on the western bank of the Warta and the Cistercian Cycling Trail and the Wooden Churches Trail, located on the eastern side of the river. It also serves as a gate to the Zielonka Forest, located in the Czerwonak commune.

The footbridge was constructed on the site of a historic ferry crossing connecting Rodojewo and Owińska from the 13th century to the 1940s. It is also located near the former Cistercian nunnery complex in Owińska.

The project is another important element of the Czerwonak Commune's policy of increasing the economic and environmental efficiency of public transport, it is consistent with the objectives of the Integrated Territorial Investment Strategy of the Poznan Urban Functioning Area and integrated activities aimed at improving urban mobility carried out within the Poznan Metropolis.

The project is complementary to the investments completed so far as well as those planned for implementation by the Czerwonak Commune and the project partner - the City of Poznan (expansion of Wartostrada).


Czerwonak commune


WROP 2014+


European Regional Development Fund

Total value of the project:

PLN 18 000 000.00 

EU contribution:

PLN 4 299 536.51

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